jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

Reasons Hunter the Cheetah Should Have Been The Protagonist In Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage

Now I’m not saying that there was anything wrong with Spyro, he saved the day, but who taught him how to get around? Who was clearly the better of the two at jumping? Which I’m sure you know was a very important part of the game. Who knew archery?

                                                             This guy, that's who!
Spyro landed in Avalar and didn’t have a fucking clue where he was or what the hell was going on, I’ve my suspicions that he’d just spent the past week binge drinking. The community took him in and taught him the ropes and showed him around, and that’s fine. They’re good hosts. But when it came time to save the place suddenly they left it to Spyro? Hunter could have cleaned the place out all by himself. He knew the geography, he knew the locals, he was far more capable to take care of shit then Spyro. But I guess he was just lazy, or maybe and I hope this isn’t the case has some sort of confidence problems, which is sad because Hunter’s a nice guy.

At the very least Spyro could have taken him along and got him to help out, then everything would have been sorted in half the time, and they could have went splits with that douche Moneybags The Bear. In fact, Hunter already knew how to swim, he owned a whole lot of deep sea diving equipment, and he could have easy jumped over those bridges that Spyro splashed out all his gems on getting down.


Now we have to face facts, maybe Spyro might have been a little bit better then Hunter at say breathing fire? But what those that matter when Hunter has spent the majority of his life learning how to shoot arrows, he must be a pro at it by now. His name is Hunter for gods sake, I think he knows what he’s doing.

When all is said and done I think the most important thing here is that Hunter is much older than Spyro and can make better judgement calls. Spyro is just a kid, which is made explicit clear in the first game by the the sheer size of all the other dragons.

Spyro did save the day, we’ll give him his due, but the facts remain. Hunter was the obvious choice as the protagonist in this game. I guess it’s all Elora the Fauns fault.

                           Do you see what I mean? What. A. Bitch.

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